Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee Hearing: Advancing America’s Interests at the World Trade Organization’s 13th Ministerial Meeting
The Hill Column: The WTO’s national security ‘thin ice’ moment could shatter reform talks
Yeutter Institute Podcast: Why is there a Crisis at the World Trade Organization?
Podcast here.
AALA Symposium Panel: Agricultural Trade and the Law
Session description here.
Farm Foundation Panel: Free Trade Agreements and U.S. Agriculture, Conference on Agricultural Trade in a Time of Uncertainty
Video here.
Press Release: Tailwind Global Strategies adds affiliation with Capitol Counsel
Politico Coverage here.
WITA Panel: Can the WTO be Saved From Itself?
Coverage here.
WTO Event Panels: From vision to reality: event celebrates success of the Trade Facilitation Agreement
Event program here.
(C) 2020 Kuran Malhotra